Boy ain't that a lot of numbers? I'm confused and I wrote the damn thing. Anyway, this is probably going to be nothing, but I might as well post about it anyway.
I made a podcast. Finally got the thing recorded and uploaded to some places and I'm in the process of figuring out how to get it to work. I think I've gotten everything set up so let's give it a shot.
Here's my podcast, a 1 hour and 6 minute discussion about the first episode of the new game, Resident Evil Revelations 2... Episode 1. It's episodic and all.
If downloading isn't your thing, I also uploaded it to Soundcloud.
This is just episode one of what I would like to turn into a regular thing. It's probably shitty. But I don't care, because it's mine.
The Words That Kill empire rises today.
Also, uh, I'm probably going to be writing something up in a formal post about Rev2. But if the podcast isn't your thing, then let me give you a hint: The game is kind of fucked but I like it.
link for the rss feed because I've got no fuggen idea what I'm doing
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